James Scouller

James specialises in coaching leaders and their teams. A CEO for eleven years before becoming a coach, he has two postgraduate coaching qualifications and spent four years training in applied psychology at the Institute of Psychosynthesis, London. He's the author of the book, The Three Levels of Leadership: How to Develop Your Leadership Presence, Knowhow and Skill (1st ed. 2011, 2nd ed. 2016) and the trilogy, How To Build Winning Teams Again And Again (2024).

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James helps leaders grow their presence, knowhow and skill.

He works with experienced and up-and-coming leaders - and executive teams - in big international and small private firms. Before becoming a coach he spent 28 years in industry. In his last eleven years he led three international firms as CEO so he knows what it's like to feel pressure. In his final CEO role he worked with a coach, which is where he learnt what a difference coaching can make. He's been a full-time professional coach since 2004.

He's also author of The Three Levels of Leadership , a book that offers leaders a new way of seeing their role while teaching them how to master their minds so they work more powerfully, wisely and flexibly under pressure. "Three Levels" is a book that's gaining attention around the globe.

After deciding to leave the corporate world, he trained for 6 years while building his coaching practice from scratch. In that time he gained two postgraduate coaching qualifications and trained in applied psychology in London at the Institute of Psychosynthesis. The Institute training wasn't academic - it was practical, sometimes unnerving "sweaty palms" and "butterflies-in-the stomach" style training, where he had to work on mastering his own mind. He's accredited with two professional coaching associations - APECS and AC - and, by late 2016, had logged over 4000 face-to-face coaching hours with leaders.

In his spare time he's working on his second book, which is about how to build teams and keep them succeeding through good times and bad. It's meant as a companion read to "Three Levels".

He's British, married with three adult children and holds a 4th Dan black belt in Aikido, a Japanese martial art.


Worldwide coverage. He coaches clients face-to-face in the UK and the rest of Western Europe. For other regions he uses Skype video or Zoom video.