Carolyn Didsbury

Carolyn Didsbury

Carolyn is a trusted coach and thinking partner who makes a difference in the world by supporting, challenging and inspiring people to be the best they can be. In 2015 she established Crendon Coaching and now works with executives who are keen to develop their personal leadership style, manage change effectively, or think through questions relating to the ‘what?’, ‘how?’ and ‘why?’ of leadership.

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Carolyn is an experienced coach and thinking partner with a passion for challenging and supporting people to be the best they can be. With 30 years’ experience of human resources and leadership development in GlaxoSmithKline, she has been coaching individuals in a variety of roles and functions throughout her career. She has led and managed teams in the UK and across Europe, and has coached executives in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Carolyn now runs a coaching consultancy working with individuals who are keen to develop their personal leadership style, manage change effectively, or think through questions or issues that are important to them. Other common themes include finding the right ‘work-life’ balance, developing an authentic leadership style, and working out how to ‘show up’ as a leader. She creates a safe space in which to work and brings both challenge and compassion to increase self-awareness and support personal development. She is particularly interested in working with clients facing transitions such as taking on a new or larger role, and in supporting the development of female leaders.

Carolyn is accredited as an Executive Coach by APECS (the Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision), has an MSc in Coaching and Behavioural Change and is a qualified NLP practitioner. She has trained with Nancy Kline (‘Time To Think’) and seeks to generate creative thinking through her coaching, asking questions that invite reflection, exploration and fresh thinking leading to positive solutions and a way forward.

Feedback from previous clients on what it’s like to work with Carolyn

“Carolyn manages to be both compassionate and yet very challenging.” “Her goal-focused approach helped me in setting my goals during my session.” “Carolyn has this ability to penetrate through the surface and ask such insightful questions that it takes me by surprise initially.” “I felt that I could completely trust her with my emotions/fears.”

… and on what they have gained from working with me

“The ability to get to the bottom of complex questions…. thought-provoking questions that lead to real actionable insights.” “Space to think.” “Self-awareness.” “Challenging myself to move up to a whole new level of a leader.”

Contact details

Phone: +44 (0)1844 208374
Mobile: +44 (0)7802 577058

Crendon Coaching Limited. Registered Company No. 09867245
6a St Andrews Court, Wellington Street, Thame, OX9 3WT